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We understand the importance children's knowledge surrounding PSHE. We believe that PSHE is an essential part of the curriculum that allows us to teach information and skills to empower children to learn now, and improve their life-chances later. Through the teaching and learning of 'The Jigsaw Approach to PSHE' a programme that holds children at its heart, and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. With strong emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health. Jigsaw lessons also include mindfulness allowing children to advance their emotional awareness, concentration, focus and self-regulation.

The curriculum is organised so that all year groups learn through the same topic at the same time, building a whole school conversation as well as demonstrating how the key concepts sense of self, diversity, being healthy, changes, healthy relationships and aspirations - are taught progressively at age appropriate levels throughout the school from EYFS to Y6.

New vocabulary is introduced to the children and they are encouraged to use it within lessons, to build on their knowledge and understanding of PSHE. We promote equality and inclusion for all of our children and these will be topics that will be discussed and taught as part a broad and balanced curriculum.


Our PSHE scheme is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme and concepts (Puzzle) at the same time. This enables each Puzzle to start with an introductory assembly to discuss the learning intentions, new vocabulary and key concepts, generating a whole school focus for adults and children alike.

Each Piece of the 'Jigsaw' has two Learning Intentions: one is based on specific PSHE learning (covering the non-statutory national framework for PSHE Education but enhanced to address children's needs today); and one is based on emotional literacy and social skills (covering the SEAL learning intentions but also enhanced).

To ensure quality teaching in the key concepts for PSHE, we implement a curriculum that allows all children to focus on the same aspects at the same time throughout the school whilst developing progression within each year group. Through 'The Jigsaw Approach to PSHE', the children are taught all of the skills and concepts, bringing together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development. We promote the children's individualities, adapting teaching strategies and lessons to meet the different needs and learning styles of our children.

Mindfulness and self-regulation are specifically taught through our PSHE sessions, and there are clear links to the computing curriculum through online safety and healthy relationships learning.

PSHE sessions take place each week and culminate in a whole school worship at the end of each half term where the school comes together to review learning from the Jigsaw piece and to celebrate successes.


This approach to teaching PSHE means that our curriculum and coverage is relevant to children living in today's world as it helps them to understand and be equipped to cope with issues like body image, cyber and homophobic bullying, consent and internet safety.

Our children will have a wider knowledge of themselves and the world around them, showing acceptance and understanding to others, but also understanding the importance of self-thoughts and feelings. By taking a whole school approach, this means that our children are deepening their knowledge of PSHE throughout their time in our school and developing holistically to become well-rounded, socially and emotionally equipped citizens.


Long Term Plan