Catch-up funding summary
School – St Michael with St Thomas CE Primary School | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Year/Date – 2020-21 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amount of catch–up funding - £16,240 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How funding has been utilised (include reference to EFF assessed programmes used) A Trust wide approach has been agreed on the spending of Catch-up funding. This was approved by Directors at their meeting in September 2020. Pupils in year groups 1 -6 will be identified following baseline assessments. Pupils in need of catch-up support will be placed in groups of 2-4 children. This will allow a minimum of 10 children and a maximum of 20 children to receive support each week, in each year group. Groups will receive a weekly before school targeted session with their class teacher on the area of need; reading, writing or maths. Sessions will continue until the next assessment period. Costs Each morning catch-up session will cost £16.95 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How impact of funding will be assessed All pupils were baselined assessed in September 2020 Termly assessment periods in Nov/Dec, March/April and July will be used to assess impact Discussions will be held in pupil progress meetings, following assessment periods, to determine next steps and impact. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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