At St Michael with St Thomas we are proud to be part of The Three Saints Academy Trust, which we joined in August 2019.
The Trust is currently made up of three schools, who all share a passion for providing the very best education for the pupils in our schools. Being part of a Multi Academy Trust has many benefits, and working with our partner schools has helped us to make many positive changes for our pupils and staff. The link below takes you to the Trust website, where you can find out more information about the ways in which we work as an Academy Trust, as well as finding out about the key priorities of the Trust for this academic year.
The Three Saints Academy Trust
We are also a Partner school of the North West Learning Partnership, which is a company that provides outstanding professional development and training for staff. Many of our teachers work with the Partnership, providing support and training for other schools in their areas of expertise. We also work with the alliance to offer training placements for School Direct Teaching students.
If you, or anyone you know, is interested in becoming a teacher and would like to know more about the School Direct Training programme, please click on the links below.
Do you or any other members of your family have a disability. Does your child help to keep them safe and well? Does your child do some of the adult jobs at home for your family? If so, your child might be a Young Carer. A young carer is someone …more
Read more hereSchool Newsletters Welcome to our Newsletter page. Here, you will find our weekly newsletters that share and celebrate our school activity. We will also be publishing our Spotlights for you to see all of the fantastic work going on in our …more
Read more hereThere is a lot of support available for parents but finding it is not always easy. This page has been put together to point you in the direction of some of the support available within our school and within Halton. Please click on the links below …more
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