Keeping children safe is a priority at St Michael with St Thomas CE Primary School, and this includes ensuring safety online. In an ever changing and ever progressing digital age, we know that it is essential for school and parents to work together to teach children how to embrace the technologies available to them, whilst giving them the skills to stay safe.
This page offers links to different organisations and advice pages for parents, to help them in keeping their children safe online whilst at home, as well as building on the work done in school.
A Parents guide to Cyberbullying
CEOP Website - report online concerns
Keeping your child safe online guide for parents
NSPCC - Guide to all social networks, apps and games
Thinkuknow Website for parents and pupils
Using Parental Controls at Home
What parents and carers need to know about Horror Games
What parents need to know about MOMO
These guides provide parents with helpful information around some of the most commonly used social media and apps for primary aged children:
Do you or any other members of your family have a disability. Does your child help to keep them safe and well? Does your child do some of the adult jobs at home for your family? If so, your child might be a Young Carer. A young carer is someone …more
Read more hereSchool Newsletters Welcome to our Newsletter page. Here, you will find our weekly newsletters that share and celebrate our school activity. We will also be publishing our Spotlights for you to see all of the fantastic work going on in our …more
Read more hereThere is a lot of support available for parents but finding it is not always easy. This page has been put together to point you in the direction of some of the support available within our school and within Halton. Please click on the links below …more
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