Welcome to Year 1

Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Year 1

Class Handbook


Welcome to the Year 1 class page, where you will find everything, you need to know about this year. In Year 1 we focus upon guiding children through the transition from the Early Years Foundation stage, through developing and enhance their knowledge and learning experiences. The children will continue to receive a very broad and balanced curriculum, which will enhance their understanding, skills and love for learning.

In Year 1, English, Maths and Science is taught following the National Curriculum Framework. A very important aspect of Year One is phonics, which is taught using the Read Write Inc. phonics scheme. We believe that this scheme will enable your child to make the best possible progress in their reading and writing journey. Some of the other subjects which the children learn in Year 1 is History, Geography, Art, ICT and DT, which are taught using our school Lunar Curriculum.

This year we will be exploring a range of great texts such as The Queen’s Hat, The Queen’s Handbag, Lost and Found, as well as some classic tales such as Rapunzel, Cinderella and The Three Bears. The children will be supported in developing their love for reading further. Our mastery maths curriculum will enable us to develop their understanding of number, the four operations, shape and place value.

In Geography, we will be exploring the United Kingdom, to develop an understanding of where we live. History will be focusing on the 1960s, making comparisons between then and now. In Science, we will expand our enquiry and working scientifically skills, looking at animals, seasonal change, plants and everyday materials.
Throughout the year, the children will be working hard and supported to develop their phonics skills and knowledge. We will work with them to ensure that they have all the knowledge needed to take part in the Statutory National Phonics Screening Check in the Summer term. Support will be provided to parents and carers to enable you to support the children too.


Below you will find links to the topics we will cover during the term, along with our class timetable:

Long Term Plan

A​utumn 1 Overview

A​utumn 2 Overview

S​pring 1 Overview

S​pring 2 Overview

S​ummer 1 Overview

S​ummer 2 Overview



P​lease find below supporting information for parents.

M​aths Mastery Support Booklet

M​aths Mastery Key Representation

Parent help book for Grammar

R​eading Prompts

Y​1 Spelling List

Websites For Parents:

Maths/ English games:


Phonics activities:

www.phonicsplay.co.uk/InteractiveResources.htm -



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