School Meals

At lunchtime, pupils have the choice of a school meal prepared by our catering company, Mellors, which is prepared freshly on site, or they are able to bring their own packed lunch.  

Children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal each day offered under the governments universal infant free school meals scheme. Children in KS2 may also be entitled to a free school meal if parents are in receipt of certain benefits and have a household income that does not exceed the Government threshold. Further information can be sought from the school office. 

Paid meals cost £2.60 per day (£13.00 per week), which should be paid weekly via Arbor. (no cash payments to the office are accepted). Payments must be paid on Monday for the week ahead.

Please click on the link below to view the weekly m​enus.

M​enu 1 - Week commencing 06th Jan/20th Jan/3rd Feb

Menu 2 - Week commencing 13th Jan/27th Jan/10th Feb

Should your child have any concerns regarding meals or any special dietary requirements you need school to be aware of, please call into the school office to discuss this.

A​re you eligible for Free School Meals?
Click on the following link to find out FSM Check

Packed Lunches

Children also have the option of bringing a packed lunch from home. All the children eat their lunches together in the dining room so there is no segregation according to the type of meal they are having. We promote healthy eating and therefore ask that packed lunches reflect this. Please do not send your child in with fizzy drinks and ensure that only one small treat/sugary option is included in their packed lunch each day.  Further information and ideas for healthy packed lunches can be found by clicking on the link below.

Ideas for healthy packed lunches  

Morning Break & Healthy Snacks

Children in Year 1 to Year 6 are able to purchase toast at a cost of £1 per week for their morning break, which needs to be paid weekly by 9:00am Monday morning via Arbor, which can be found under the clubs section. (no cash payments to the office are accepted). Children in Year 1 & Year 2 also have access to an additional fruit snack during the afternoon.

EYFS snacks runs differently as the pupils have access to a variety of Healthy snacks during the school morning at a cost of £1 per week which is also paid via Arbor under the clubs section. The children are also provided with milk and an additional healthy fruit snack daily during the afternoon.

Additionally children can bring in their own toast or fruit for snack if they wish, but we ask that parents refrain from other bars and snacks as they are often full of sugar.


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