Welcome to Reception's class page

Learning really is child's play in our Early Years Reception class.

Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Reception

Class Handbook

C​lass Handbook - Additional Information

Our Foundation Stage is an exciting, safe and stimulating environment where children are both nurtured and supported to reach their full potential! We deliver our curriculum through a balance of planned, purposeful play and adult-initiated activities, which are based upon the learning needs of our children.

Our learning environment, both indoors and outdoors, is also carefully planned for each week and enables children to develop independence, confidence and a love of learning.

Miss A Briody - Teacher
The seven areas of learning and development which constitute the EYFS Framework underpin all the experiences we provide for our children, ensuring they facilitate the skills and knowledge children require for their school life and beyond. Throughout the year we will be following a number of exciting themes to capture the children's interests including- Space, Under the Sea, Growing and much more. We will also learn about lots of Celebrations, such as Diwali, Christmas, Chinese New Year and Easter!


We really value the learning and development that takes place at home too. There are several ways you can help to share this with us:
Wow Stars: Throughout the year we will send 'Wow Stars' home in your child's book bag. This provides the opportunity to record any significant achievements on the stars and share them with us by posting them back in their book bag. We will celebrate these with the class on the day then display them pride of place.


Reading Books: Your child will bring home reading books each week - one to practice heir phonics and one to read for pleasure! We change books weekly, once your child has read 5 times at home and once we have also heard your child read to us. Please write a comment in their reading record diary to help us to understand how they are getting on with reading at home. This will really aid us in supporting your child to progress in reading.
Social Media: We love seeing the children's achievements outside of school, as well as photographs of those invaluable life experiences such as family days out to the park! Be sure to tag us in anything you share and keep a look out for Reception's daily updates on our pages too.


Most importantly, the reception team are always available to support you and your child through their first year of school. If you have any questions/queries, please do not hesitate to chat to one of us during home time/registration or contact the school office.
This will be a very exciting year for you and your child. I look forwards to working in partnership with you.
Mrs Fisher


Below you will find links to the topics we will cover during the term, along with our class timetable:

EYFS Long Term Plan

A​utumn 2 Overview

S​pring 1 Overview

S​pring 2 Overview

Please find below EYFS Websites we use to support our Learning:






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