We have a fun-filled year ahead of us in Year 2!
Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Year 2
Welcome to the Year 2 class page, where you will find everything you need to know about this year. The children will continue to receive a very broad and balanced curriculum, which will enhance their understanding, skills, and love for learning.
In English, we will study some traditional tales, which our pupils may already be familiar with, along with some ‘twisted’ versions of the stories, such as ‘Jim and the Beanstalk.’ Additionally, we will be looking at some classic texts, such as Roald Dahl’s ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ and ‘Matilda.’ There will, of course, be some modern texts that we will explore too, including ‘My Bunny’s Chocolate Factory’ and ‘Kate on the Case.’
The children will be writing for a range of different purposes; more details can be found on the long-term plan.
The children will still access phonics groups, streamed in line with their reading abilities. Throughout the year, the children will progress from the RWInc programme to our Collins Big Cat books. The children will have access to a wide range of genres, including fiction and non-fiction texts, as well as playscripts and comics. The children will also bring home a ‘choose book’ from our class library, which is a book of their choice to be enjoyed with an adult at home!
In mathematics, we will continue to follow the Maths Mastery programme, ensuring we use plenty of practical activities to support our learning of number, shape, space, measure, and problem-solving to improve our numeracy skills and relate them to real-life situations. The children will also be accessing the Mastering Number programme to help deepen their understanding of number.We have some brilliant topics for Geography and History this year. We will study the Victorians and the Great Fire of London for our history-focused units. Then, for our geography topics, we will be carrying out a comparison study of Liverpool and Kampala, the capital of Uganda, finishing by setting out on a trip around the globe in our Explorers topic. Additionally, the children will continue to have a rich and varied curriculum through weekly sessions of Religious Education, Music, Science, Computing, PSHE, and PE, as well as half-termly Art and Design Technology topics.
Class Routines
All pupils must bring their reading book into school from home each day and show that they have read five times a week to be in for a chance to receive an extra playtime! Weekly homework will be given out on a Thursday and must be returned by the following Tuesday. Homework will include Spelling Shed, Reading Eggs, and TTRockstars (starting in the spring term).
We are incredibly excited for this year – we hope you are too!
If you require any further information, please contact Miss Fisher.
Below you will find links to the topics we will cover during the term, along with our class timetable:
Please find below supporting information for parents.
Maths Mastery Support Booklet
Maths Mastery key Representation
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