At St Michael with St Thomas, we believe that in today’s modern world it is essential that children are both educated and prepared for the financial world that they currently live in and the world that they will face when they are older. We strive to prepare children to be active, responsible financial citizens who have a secure understanding of how managing finances, budgets and their own money, can impact on their future lives and careers. Our Financial and Economic Education Curriculum provides children with a range of opportunities to learn and apply their knowledge and skills; allowing them to flourish in the future and live financially secure lives.
At St Michael with St Thomas, we recognise that Financial and Economic Education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. Our Financial and Economic Education Curriculum teaches children key concepts in terms of both financial knowledge and skills. Throughout our carefully planned and sequenced curriculum, children learn a range of topics and themes such as: How to manage money; Becoming a critical consumer; Managing risks and emotions associated with money; Understanding the important role money plays in our lives; Making decisions and spending and saving and Value for money. Our carefully crafted curriculum uses baseline information to gauge students’ starting points in their Financial and Economic Education; identifies clear learning outcomes for lessons for each half term for each year group and plans for progression between ages and key stages. Connections in child’s learning are exploited, with clear and purposeful connections to the Maths Curriculum and PSHE Curriculum being made as well as through our Modern Foreign Languages topics. At St Michael with St Thomas, we explore opportunities to support young people’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development both across our LUNAR curriculum and as part of our Financial and Economic Education. We are currently working towards becoming a Centre of Excellence for Financial Excellence.
At St Michael with St Thomas, children receive half termly lessons focussing on Financial and Economic Education. These are taught in the last week of each half term following the completion of their PSHE topic for that half term. This allows us to revisit and build on prior learning as part of a spiral curriculum. As a result, children gain cumulative knowledge which is built upon over time. Within each year group, key Financial and Economic knowledge is taught at an age appropriate level. However, connections to previous learning from preceding year groups are also made. This ensures that our Financial and Economic Education Curriculum is multilateral.
This approach to teaching Financial and Economic Education means that our curriculum and coverage is relevant to children living in today's world as it helps them to understand and be equipped to cope with issues such as Keeping Track of Money; Looking After My Money and Choices about spending and saving amongst others. Our children will have a wider knowledge of the Financial and Economic in the world around them and how to earn, use and save money as well as being aware about further implications such as debt and loan. By taking a whole school approach, this means that our children are deepening their knowledge of Financial and Economic Education and PSHE throughout their time in our school.
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Read more hereSchool Newsletters Welcome to our Newsletter page. Here, you will find our weekly newsletters that share and celebrate our school activity. We will also be publishing our Spotlights for you to see all of the fantastic work going on in our …more
Read more hereThere is a lot of support available for parents but finding it is not always easy. This page has been put together to point you in the direction of some of the support available within our school and within Halton. Please click on the links below …more
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