Welcome to our class pages. In this section you will find a page for each class in the school, which will give you specific details about that year group, including topics covered throughout the year, the class timetables, details about homework and parent prompt sheets to help you support your children at home. There are also some useful websites that can help build on the learning taking place in the classroom.
We love to build on expertise and experience, so if any parents or family members have a particular skill or expertise that you feel could support the learning taking place in the topics listed for a year group, please contact the class teacher or Miss Slingsby to discuss how you could help.
If you have any questions regarding the information on your child's class page, or would like further information about the learning taking place and how you can support this further at home, please contact your child's class teacher.
Welcome to Reception's class page Learning really is child's play in our Early Years Reception class. Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Reception Class Handbook Class Handbook - Additional Information Our Foundation …more
Welcome to Year 1 Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Year 1 Class Handbook Welcome to the Year 1 class page, where you will find everything, you need to know about this year. In Year 1 we focus upon guiding children through …more
Welcome to Year 2 We have a fun-filled year ahead of us in Year 2! Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Year 2 Class Handbook Welcome to the Year 2 class page, where you will find everything you need to know about this …more
Welcome to Year 3! Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Year 3 Class Handbook Year 3 is the start to the children’s Key Stage 2 learning journey, where we continue to build upon the children’s learning in Key Stage 1 through …more
Welcome to Year 4 Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Year 4. Class Handbook This year we have a very exciting year! Below is a brief outline of our curriculum and what to expect within Year 4. English: Within English, we …more
Welcome to Year 5 Year 5 is an inspiring but busy year, packed full of new opportunities to excel both in and out of the classroom. Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Year 5 Class Handbook We really love reading books …more
Welcome to Year 6 Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Year 6 Class Handbook Here you will find information about our curriculum for the year and more detailed curriculum maps for each half term. The timetable will show you …more
Here you will find our Spotlights which will showcase all of the wonderful work going on in school. We have Spotlights for different subjects, special events and for our classes too! Use the links below to access them: Interfaith Week Spotlight …more
Do you or any other members of your family have a disability. Does your child help to keep them safe and well? Does your child do some of the adult jobs at home for your family? If so, your child might be a Young Carer. A young carer is someone …more
Read more hereSchool Newsletters Welcome to our Newsletter page. Here, you will find our weekly newsletters that share and celebrate our school activity. We will also be publishing our Spotlights for you to see all of the fantastic work going on in our …more
Read more hereThere is a lot of support available for parents but finding it is not always easy. This page has been put together to point you in the direction of some of the support available within our school and within Halton. Please click on the links below …more
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