In our mathematics curriculum we are clear on the intent, implementation and impact for our children.
Our intent is to ensure all children from Reception to Year 6 are exposed to opportunities to develop and refine their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. Each year group has a clear overview of the mathematical strands and specific objectives to teach each term.
Our school follows a mastery approach to teaching maths, using the 5 part lesson approach. Mathematical concepts are explored in a variety of representations and problem-solving contexts to give pupils a richer and deeper learning experience. We strive for our pupils to master mathematics so that they can represent a concept or skill in multiple ways, have the mathematical language to communicate related ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. Pupils are encouraged to make connections across mathematical procedures and concepts to ensure fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving problems.
In EYFS, the children develop number sense and are immersed in a new number every week. The number of the week is addressed in every area of everyday life eg when learning about the number ‘3’ we look at 3p, £3, 3 0’clock, triangle and triangular prism. The children in EYFS are taught to explain their reasoning and test their own understanding from very early on. In Years 1 – 6, children participate in daily maths lessons, using the Ark Maths Mastery scheme as a resource to further develop the 5 part lesson model. Whole class learning is driven through anticipated misconceptions and children practise knowledge and skills, through the use of variation in the ways mathematical concepts are presented. This could be using practical equipment, seeing and representing in picture form or in a formal written method.
The impact of our curriculum is measured through everyday assessment of learning. Children are offered opportunities to regularly recall learned knowledge and skills, through merging various strands together. Day to day assessment, enables teachers to swiftly identify children who need extra support and same day intervention is conducted. Termly assessment is administered using published schemes and data gathered is used to inform future planning. High quality CPD is delivered through the Maths Hub which is lead by the Three Saints Academy Trust, ensuring that all staff receive the latest and most effective insight into developing maths pedagogy.
For details about specific year group coverage, see the curriculum map for each year group, found on the class pages of our website.
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