Welcome to Year 4

Below you will find a class handbook relating to life in Year 4.

Class Handbook

This year we have a very exciting year!  Below is a brief outline of our curriculum and what to expect within Year 4. 


Within English, we will continue to develop our reading and writing skills through stories, drama, poetry and first-hand experiences. We will do this through our range of exciting books. Enjoyment of reading and a love of books are encouraged through individual, guided and shared reading activities and we encourage children to read every day at home. Reading logs will be checked to ensure children are reading at least 5x a week. 

In Mathematics we will be focusing on a number of topics, through our mastery approach, including: number, shape, space and measure as well as problem solving.

IWe will look at real life situations and how maths relates to these situations. We rely heavily on knowing our multiplication and related division facts, using and applying these skills to solve a wide range of problems throughout the Y4 maths curriculum and also through a multiplication test - so plenty of practice on TT Rockstars is recommended
This year, we will explore the world through our History and Geography topics, looking at coast lines, The Romans and Monarchs. We take every opportunity to develop our artistic talents through Art, Music and Design Technology which allow us to build and develop our crucial creativity and evaluative skills..As scientists, we enjoy finding out about other scientists and inventors and the impact that they have had on the world we know today. Our work through PSHE enables us to responsibly discuss key goals, dilemmas and scenarios and gives us the opportunity to offer mature solutions through respectful debate. Throughout the year, we will deepen our understanding of the Bible and how its principles can guide us in our daily lives helping to make us happier people. 
PE: The children take part in athletics, dance, gymnastics and ball skill activities. This year our PE days will be Monday and Wednesday. We are asking that pupils come into school in their PE kits on their PE days – this should be a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers. In the winter, pupils can wear a plain, black tracksuit over their PE kits to keep them warm. The only thing that pupils need to bring into school and leave there is a small PE bag with their indoor pumps in. Please ensure that tracksuits and shorts are plain black, with no stripes or logos down the sides. No football/rugby kits will be allowed.
If you have any questions about Year 4, please speak to Miss Sutton


Below you will find links to the topics we will cover during the term, along with our class timetable:

Long Term Plan

A​utumn 1 Overview

A​utumn 2 Overview

S​pring 1 Overview
S​pring 2 Overview
S​ummer 1 Overview

S​ummer 2 Overview



P​lease find below supporting information for parents.
Maths Mastery Support Booklet

M​aths Mastery key Representation

Parent help book for Grammar

R​eading Prompts

Y​4 Spelling List


Useful websites:

English KS2: https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/zv48q6f

Reading: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk

Maths: TT Rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com

Maths: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/problem-solving

Maths: https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects

Maths: http://mathszone.co.uk

Science: https://www.bbc.com/bitesize/subjects/z2pfb9q

Science: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=science+games+ks2&p=4

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