Reading Ambassadors

We have nine amazing Reading Ambassadors that start from Y3, right up to Y6. Our Reading Ambassadors really enjoy reading, both in and out of school and are passionate about sharing their enthusiasm for reading in our school. They have developed some lovely ideas to encourage others in school to find their own love of reading.

At the start of the school year, we had a meeting to set goals of what we would like to achieve by the end of this school year. We have since met each term to set objectives for that term to work towards, in order for us to meet those overall goals.

One of the roles for the Reading Ambassadors is to develop the reading corners in their own year group. They all wanted to promote reading with their peers by being able to give recommendations and reviews of books read, and for these to be displayed, or accessible in their reading corners.

They also wanted support reading in other year groups and developed the idea of reading buddies. This is where the idea of our successful Reading Buddy system came from!

W​e can't wait to see what other super ideas our Reading Ambassadors come up with throughout the rest of the year!

A​ction Plan 2022-23

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