R​ights Respecting Ambassadors

A​s we continue on our journey to become an accredited Rights Respecting School, our Rights Respecting Ambassadors are leading the way with embedding the work we are doing in this area, working closely with Miss Slingsby and the staff team.

T​hey meet regularly to review their action plan and to look at the impact of the work done so far, to see what needs to happen next. They are our experts on children's rights, so if you have any questions then ask them and they will be able to help!

W​e are hoping that all of their hard work, and the commitment to making our school a rights respecting school, will be recognised when we invite the assessors in towards the end of the year to see all of the amazing work we have done in the last couple of years.

H​ave a look at their action plan below, as well as our posters of the Unicef Rights of the Child to remind yourself - how many can you remember without looking?! Which rights can you show you live out through your actions every day?

U​NICEF Right of the Child Poster

S​t Michael with St Thomas Children's Rights

Action Plan for Silver Award 2022-23

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